Monday, December 21, 2015

The shortest day of the year

Winter solstice

The shortest day of the year (Well almost, it floats from the 21-23 based on the year) and the day we move up onto the Mesa. Our two weeks is up at the lake but we will be back down for another two as soon as our allotted time away is up. The BLM wants people to experience the lake so they specify 14 days in, followed by 14 days out. And even though we love the waterfront location we also like the Northwest Territories on the Mesa as well.

But this is not an area for the average RVer. Example, we are at least a mile from the watering stations and dump. There's no power, no water, no sewer or even garbage pickup out here. Wind can be an issue and with wind, dust so if you are a neat freak, forgetaboutit! We are on the end of a long finger that drops off on both sides several hundred feet down to the wash. For the first time, we actually have cell and tv. But MAN, what a view! We have a site large enough to build a house on and if this were Tucson, this would be a very expensive piece of real estate. The sunsets are spectacular over the Chocolate mountains just behind us and the same is true for the sunrise over the lake in front of our rig.

We have already met our neighbors, they are very nice people. And it is silent out here. No whirling dervishes (generators) for 10 hours at a time because most people out this far have solar. Plus, it is a very different type of people that wish to be this remote. It's funny in a way, because this group likes the privacy but they are very social and welcoming. They watch out for each other without getting into your business. They are often times, people that try hard to conserve, many are gardeners back home and to my delight, we hit on the occasional foodies that contribute to interesting epicurean discussions or they are musicians or hot rod builders... Such an interesting mix for our winter playlist!

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