Thursday, November 4, 2010

Babler and Ferne Clyffe State Parks

As last year, the state parks are proving to be great, the spaces are generous and the costs are always low. We found a nice park just outside St. Louis and last night Ferne Clyffe State Park in Illinois. Ferne Clyffe has been enjoyed as a scenic spot for over 100 years with it's abundance of ferns and rare geological features. It believed that George Rogers Clark (older brother to William Clark of Lewis and Clark) passed through this area in 1778. The Cherokee used the area for hunting in their march known as the Trail of Tears.
We had the upper section of the park to ourselves with a nice back yard where Blue and I took several walks. This morning we hit the hiking trails and as we do each year, went for a longgggg hike. My feet and legs are really feeling it tonight!


  1. Are you towing something other then the porche? I went and saw baby Joseph last weekend, he is so precious! Peg

  2. Hi Peg,
    We are pulling the Porche again this year, and into the future. The little car has been perfect for 90% of our travels. The only issue was on dirt roads where we would bottom out. Other than that, it is a fun drive and very cost effective. So far!
