Friday, April 8, 2016

Ready for spring?

And just to welcome us back, it snows! Still, it's good to be home, even if we stay inside for the next week. Blue is happy, snow or no snow. He has been running for days, up and down the stairs.

Monday, April 4, 2016

We're back!

State line, almost there!

Almost home

75 in Kansas one day, 25 the next in Iowa! Why are we going home again?

A few less bugs in Oklahoma

We took out a few bugs on our way through OK.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Happy anniversary baby...

...Got you on my mind

Hard to believe it but 7 years ago today Gary and I took a gamble and purchased our first motor home and began our riptide road trip. I can say for sure that this is one gamble that has paid off, thanks for all the memories and we look forward to many more!