Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas, Arizona style

This holiday season is a little different for us, in October we headed south, Arizona or bust. There's a few things we've traded, but we're still filled with good cheer like:

White drifts of snow for desert sand dunes this year,
The Christmas tree's not here but strange Saguaro's stand near,
Twinkling lights look like red chili's and there's no reindeer down here,
Santa looks a bit thin as he sweats in his hat, his elves are all Mexican's who seem to always nap,
A choirs is a pack of coyotes that sing every night while the campground gets dark except a few twinkly lights,
The eight tiny reindeer are replaced with a Triton V10,
This sleigh is a Monaco that steps out right quick, and the holiday we'll enjoy as the miles we do click,
Though the surroundings are different in the desert southwest, the holiday's in our hearts and will enjoy it with zest,
We'll still have some turkey or ham would be nice, but our drinks are not hot, in fact they're on ice,
While the distance is great, our thoughts are the same, have a very Merry Christmas and on New Year's stay sane!

P.S. I just learned how to make the pictures larger, starting today, if you click on the photo, it will get larger.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Holiday picture in the sand! Happy Holdidays to you both and enjoy your turkey or ham! Peggy
